One Week Intensive: Clown 1-The Courage To Be
June 24-28, Mon-Fri 10am-5pm
At 84 Main St, Philmont, NY

Clowning is a state of playfulness that allows us to experience a child-like, naïve and
vulnerable state of being ... and paradoxically we learn, grow, and are strengthened
through reconnecting playfully with what makes us most vulnerable. This approach to
clowning is not a technique (tricks, gags and routines), but a personal journey towards
finding one’s unique way of being - by listening and being receptive, essential skills for
any creative and imaginative endeavor. It is only in letting go of control that we begin to
be surprised by the depth of that which is around us and within us.

The word “courage” comes from a root that means “heart.” Through clowning and
connecting to our naturally playful and creative spirit, we can develop and sustain,
in ourselves and in each other, the heart to be who we truly are, to trust life and ourselves.

This 5 day intensive allows a deeper experience of the transformational clowning
process and establishes the foundation for all our work. It is an essential first step
before going on to more advanced courses such as Social Clowning and the Facilitators
Training. Many people return to our workshops repeatedly, as this state of being
becomes vital to them.

No skills or fitness required. Class size is limited to 12. Sliding scale fee: $0-700. Advance
registration required. Adults only.

For more information contact Laura: 518-929-5392

This course is hosted by Free Columbia. Free Columbia has no set tuitions. We offer suggested donation amounts based on
specific costs. It is possible to make a monthly pledge to support Free Columbia or to
make a one-time donation. Currently 40 individuals have pledged regular support to
Free Columbia to make events like these possible and accessible. Consider joining the
circle of supporters.